St Neots Parish Church from the south

Application Form for Membership of The Friends of St Neots Parish Church

If you would like to become a member, simply send us your details with a donation. A form is not essential.
Cheques can be made out to The Friends of St Neots Parish Church.  Please contact us if there is a money transfer problem.
The only qualification for membership is to be someone who wishes to support the restoration and repair of St Neots Parish Church.
Children aged under 18 can be Junior Members but in this case please indicate the child’s date of birth.  Junior Membership is an ideal present for someone being Baptised or Confirmed.  Companies are also invited to become corporate members.
There will be an annual subscription which is £25 for adults but smaller donations are welcome.

Send to: The Hon Secretary, Dr Peter Raggatt, The Ferns, Berkley Street, Eynesbury, St Neots, PE19 2NE
You can send this form (or the information) by email. 

Name of Junior Member

Date of birth of Junior

Address line 1

If different, address of
Junior Member

Address line 2

Address line 2
Address line 3

Address line 3

Postal code

Postal code

email address

email address

Gift Aid Declaration - this is a concession to UK tax-payers which assists charities. If you are UK resident and pay UK income tax,
please send with your donation the following declaration which will allow us to recover income tax you have paid and so increase your donation
by 25% if you can complete this form. UK companies can claim a donation as a business expense under the Gift Aid Scheme.

Gift Aid Declaration
(please note that we need an actual signature on the paper form). 
I,  (name with initials or full name) ...............................................................................................
of  (full address and postcode)  ...................................................................................................
Give the sum of ………………………    to The Friends of St Neots Parish Church with the request that this and all past and future donations are treated as Gift Aided donations and I confirm that I have paid, or will pay, an amount of UK Income Tax that is at least equal to the amount of tax that the charity will reclaim  on this donation.

Signed (your signature) ................................................................................................................
date (date of signing)....................................................................
Please notify us if you wish to cancel this declaration or change your name or address or no longer pay enough income tax
May we thank you for your donation.  We will acknowledge each donation